Monday 11 February 2013

Disadvantages of ICT in Society

At the same time we praise ICT and how it has helped with the progression of our society & enviroment, we also criticise the excessive use of it due to factors such as; more unemployment due to use of computer systems in successful retailers such as the self check out system in Tesco, Asda & Sainsburies are used instead of workers as it has a low running cost in comparison to a worker’s wages and the pattern of lives of people changes when they begin to have a higher use or increasing engagement for computing.

Another issue from ICT is that people are rejecting the casual routine of even going shopping for online shopping instead, this could be consequence to a less motivated society as they get too comfortable to the lazy lifestyle, another issue is that there are many physical illnesses obtained from constant use of a computer such as eye problems, RSI, back pains, wrist pains and other body pains that could be very irritating, this makes lives of people very difficult as they would require treatment to recover from these illnesses and it may even interfere with the casual routine of a person's life.

The most common known issue with computing is the fact that there is a large qauntity of paper used daily, this has a impact on the society as many trees are cut in order to be processed into paper which increases the Global Warming issue. One of the biggest concerns is privacy of personal information such as bank details, adresses and other important data which can be transferred globally within seconds if acccessed by the wrong hands.

There is also the risk of obtaining viruses or being hacked, this is due to strange webites, spam and phishing that are a huge risk because if you keep important information on the computer such as bank details someone could hack you and obtain these important documents. Viruses and hackers could also delete important files that are on the computer which is another concern as this causes much stress.