Thursday 21 March 2013

Why there's more postives than negatives of Computing

In my opinion the benefits of computers outweights the negatives;
You can use computers to kill of time with the varied games available online, surf the internet watching videos and listening to music, it's a good way to relax and ease stress, this has helped society as people use this as an alernative for anti-social behaviour.

It's also used for purchasing and selling products online which is much easier and safer (depending on what site used) as you do not have to put the effort in going out which makes life better.

The way people learn and teach from obtaining information from the web, particularly using search engines, has made a big impact on the way we learn and obtain other information as it is much quicker than going to library to look something up resulting in more revision time.

It's helped us to find out the Weather forecast as it measures the wind, temperature and other factors to predict what the future weather outcomes will be, this has helped us as we have been more cautious and prepared during windy or snowy days, it's possibly even saved people's life as they are more prepared for extreme conditions.

Computers have also helped developed the world's scientific research, for example we can use computers to observe ancient fossils and predict how long ago they were made, this has helped us develop our awareness of the sanctity of life.
The net effect of all these innovations is to make this world a more connected place. For example individuals can not only communicate with others anywhere in the world instantly and economically, but they can also buy and sell things worldwide on facilities websites like eBay. The business industry has become more efficient and effective due to availability of better and faster information. Also, in general the pace of life has quickened.

Less fortunate people that can't access computers

Computers and technology has been used globally around the world for years which has made life easier for many people however, there are some people that are less fortunate and either can't obtain access to computers or simply have difficulties with using them.

Firstly we have older civillians, yes they may have access to the computers however, they preffer doing things "the old way" or they have difficulties with using the technology due to them not being adapted to computers, this is a huge disadvantage for them as movements are very difficult due to pains recieved as a person becomes older, they could use internet shopping to avoid having to go out to purchase groceries and many more uses such as skype instead of travelling to see someone, however "sometimes it's better to do things the old way" -James Bond

There are also people with servere disabilities and in their unfortunate circumstances it could be either very difficult to use computers or impossible, although the decent society today have produced systems to help the less fortunate such as Stephen Hawking's voice synthesizer however, some people may have some deformities like not having arms/hands and this is difficult as the internet provides communication, educational resources, job applications and other aspects to support the life of people.

There are also people that struggle financially and cannot obtain a computer however in the U.K and U.S.A there are internet cafes for when computers are needed, yet computers could be used to find job applications for people that struggle financially and I believe their main priority would be putting food on the table. There are also some people across the globe that have no access to computers at all, this makes life hard for them as they can't post the poverty occurring in their country or the civil wars. If they were able to maybe there would be a change however, people at the moment with a sustainable wealth are currently annonymous to majority of the less fortune.

Not having a computer is a disadvantage as globally computers are
constantly being used developing the lives of people, the people that
are not able to use one or are not fortunate enough to have one are
missing out on entertainment, communication, research/education and
much more. Hopefully one day the world will be able to provide and
 be more considerate for the less fortunate people.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Dangers across the internet

Computers also have some negative aspects towards the community Albert Einstein once quoted

"I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots." this is due to abuse of technology, some people may use the internet to cyber bully people sending threats and all types of anti-social behaviour, there are however, methods of removing these people to avoid communication such as 'blocking' them if it's occuring on a Social Network site such as Facebook.

There are also risk of catching viruses on your computer, this is very dangerous as if you have any important documents such as bank details they can be accessed with ease, however this can be avoided by simply having a anti-virus detector to not only remove viruses but detect which sites contain unreliable sources preventing you from obtaining a virus.

The internet is worldwide, therefore you MUST be cautious towards who you communicate with, almost anyone in a society could access the internet, this means that there are people with concerning criminal behaviour habbits such as peadophiles and you wouldn't be aware that you're talking to them, there has been many disturbing cases in the past however, as people become more educated on being cautious and do not meet up with absolute strangers then this situation could be avoided, plus with the 'blocking' system you can avoid communication with suspicious characters.

Also there are some ignorant people on the internet that may be less considerate to people leading them to 'cyber bully' people weaker than them, this is a bad aspect of computing as it makes the victim feel uncomfortable with themselves if they are bullied, however the internet also provides online services for people that are being bullied or need someone to talk to.